Letters from Theophilus

" A Blog About Practical Theology. "


Quotes... III

"Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe." –Augustine

"Of two evils choose neither." -Charles Spurgeon

"In reality the only call in the Bible is the call to the way of the cross, the way of service, sacrificial love and suffering." -Tim Chester

"O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life." -Francis of Assisi

"Is it not wonderful news to believe that salvation lies outside ourselves?" -Martin Luther

"Either sin is with you, lying on your shoulders, or it is lying on Christ, the Lamb of God." –Martin Luther

"He that loveth little prayeth little, he that loveth much prayeth much." –Augustine

"Our only business is to love and delight ourselves in God." –Brother Lawrence

"He who loves his dream of a community more than the Christian community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter" -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Preach the gospel at all times -- If necessary, use words." -Francis of Assisi

"The Kingdom is to be in the midst of your enemies. And he who will not suffer this does not want to be of the Kingdom of Christ; he wants to be among friends, to sit among roses and lilies, not with the bad people but the devout people. O you blasphemers and betrayers of Christ! If Christ had done what you are doing who would have ever been spared?" -Martin Luther

"The test of our spiritual life is the power to descend from our mountaintops" -Unknown

"Our static, inflexible, self-centered structures are 'heretical structures' because they embody a heretical doctrine of the church. If our structure has become an end in itself, not a means of saving the world it is a heretical structure." -John Stott

"You will not get rich... (living the gospel)... the only place I know where they complain about making too much money is the US Mint" -TF Tenny

"As you announce peace with your mouth, make sure that greater peace is in your hearts" - Francis of Assisi

"Our physical needs are signposts pointing to very real spiritual needs...Social action without gospel proclamation is like a signpost pointing nowhere" -Tim Chester

"Jesus has a 'Train and Release' strategy, while overall we have a 'Convert and Retain' strategy." -Mark Greene


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